Run for the Wasatch County Democratic Party
Executive Committee
The next elections for the Wasatch County Democratic Party Executive Committee will be in 2021.
At our Organizing Convention on 2021, we will be electing a new Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
To file, a candidate must send a letter of intent to us by email at or by mail to:
Wasatch County Democrats
PO Box 468
Midway, UT 84049
The letter of intent must be received by a date to be announced in 2021.
Who Votes for the Executive Committee?
Precinct Chairs
Precinct Vice-Chairs
Precinct County Delegates
Below are the descriptions of each position up for election:
County Chair Responsibilities
The County Chair shall provide leadership for the County Party. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee and at all County Conventions.
The Chair shall be invested with the power and responsibility to implement the decisions of the said Committees and Conventions.
The County Chair shall name the Chairs and members of all standing and temporary Committees, except those already specifically designated in this Constitution, and may serve ex officio on all committees.
He/she shall be invested with power to call at his/her discretion special meetings and make summary decisions to meet unexpected emergency contingencies.
County Vice-Chair Responsibilities
The County Vice-chair shall serve as Chair of the Rules and Elections Committee and may serve ex officio on any standing or temporary committee.
He/she shall assist the Chair and Secretary with their prescribed duties as requested and shall act in the Chair’s absence at all official functions except as otherwise provided, and in the event of the Chair’s resignation or inability to continue in office, shall serve as Interim Chair until the next Organizing Convention.
County Secretary Responsibilities
The County Secretary may serve ex officio on any standing or temporary committee.
He/she shall assist the Chair and Vice-chair with their prescribed duties as requested, and in the event of the Vice-chair’s resignation or inability to continue in office, shall serve as Interim Vice-chair until the next Organizing Convention.
The County Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept if unable to attend a particular meeting, attendance rolls and minutes of all County Party meetings, and as the Recorder and Historian for the County Party, shall maintain the official Party files, with the exception of financial files, including attendance records, minutes, records of all written correspondence, including e-mail, and reports to and by officers and chairs of committees.
The County Secretary shall also, with the help of the Membership and Credentials Committee which he/she shall Chair, compile, periodically update, and maintain, preferably electronically, a list of all registered Democrats in Wasatch County, officers of Wasatch County Precincts, County Council Districts and Legislative and State Senatorial Districts which fall within the County, and a list of all County Central Committee members.
County Treasurer Responsibilities
The County Party Treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Party, and as Chair of the Financial and Fund Raising Committee. He/she shall have fiduciary and accounting responsibility for all funds of the County Party and shall keep the financial records of the Party, including all income detailed as to amount, date, and name and address of contributor, except that received anonymously as Dollars for Democrats, and all expenditures detailed as to amount, vendor, and reason for expenditure, and shall report to the Lt. Governor such details of income and expenditure as required by Utah State Law.
He/she, with the approval of the County Chair, shall be responsible for keeping and reconciling the County Party’s checkbooks, and depositing income to the appropriate accounts.