Hello Wasatch Democrats,
I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool and conserve water. Summer activities are getting back to normal and it has been nice to start gathering in person. In this newsletter, you will see information about events you can sign up for to spend some time with your fellow Democrats while serving our community and information about how you can participate in upcoming elections.
I am reminded of something that Stacey Abrams said: "Our responsibility doesn't end on Election Day. The minute elections are over, the people who won, who did not share our values, are going to be working hard. We have to be working even harder".
There are little things we can do every day to work towards the goal of electing more Democrats: participating in community events, writing letters to the Editor, serving on community boards, and running for office. All of these little steps increase our visibility and demonstrate how the values we have are really shared values across our community. I invite you to participate with us in the upcoming events and elections and I look forward to seeing you!
Jennifer Lee, Chair
Wasatch Dems Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up Event
Exciting news! The Wasatch County Democratic Party has adopted the section of Highway 113 between Heber and Midway aka Midway Lane or 100 South to clean up. Be a part of keeping your community beautiful. Take action to serve your community while getting some exercise and catching up with your fellow Democrats.
Bonus: We will get a sign at both ends of our section stating that Wasatch County Democrats have adopted the highway!
When: Saturday, July 17th Time: Two shifts available: 8 am or 10 am Come at 8 am and avoid the heat! Where: Meet at the Midway City Park across from the Hamlet for instructions and to pick up a safety vest and garbage bags.
>> Sign up HERE << Walk a short section of the highway and come at 8 am to avoid the heat! Wear your Wasatch Dems t-shirt or buy one if you don't have one yet. Bring a water bottle, gloves, sunscreen, and a hat. UDOT will provide safety vests and garbage bags.
Contact Jennifer with any questions, wasatchdems@gmail.com or 435-671-8263.
Parades are back!
Join the Wasatch County Democrats for the Wasatch County Fair Days Parade on Saturday, August 7th. Bring a couple of big bags of candy, make a sign about an issue that is important to you. Wear your Wasatch Dems t-shirt or buy one if you don't have one yet. Remember to wear comfortable shoes, a hat, and sunscreen. Bring a refillable water bottle. The line-up location will be available a day or two before the event.
Please let us know if you will be there, RSVP HERE
Upcoming Events
3rd Quarter Central Committee Meeting (August, date to be determined)
Swiss Days Parade (September 4th)
Utah Democratic Party
Thank you to the Wasatch State Delegates who voted in the June 26th State Party Elections.
The newly elected state party Executive Committee members are:
Chair, Jeff Merchant
Vice-Chair, Diane Lewis
Treasurer, Sheila Srivastava
Secretary, Jill Fellow
Municipal Races
Support a candidate in your city or town. Every city and town holds elections for mayor and council seats this year. These are nonpartisan elections. Filing dates were in early June except in Heber.
Heber City Municipal Election News
Heber City will use Ranked Choice Voting which eliminates a primary for 2021. There will be races for Mayor and 2 City Council seats on the November 2021 ballot. The Heber City filing period is August 10-17. Contact us if you are considering a run. Your party is here to help!
House District 54
Looking forward to the 2022 election cycle, our Utah House District 54 seat is on the ballot every 2 years so we are starting to prepare now for it to be on the ballot in November of 2022. We want to talk with local community leaders who would help identify potential candidates. Please contact us if you are interested in running or if you know someone we should ask.
HD 54 Chair, Terri Goodall, terrigoodall@gmail.com, 660-287-6098 or HD 54 Vice-Chair, Jennifer Lee, lee.jennifersb@gmail.com, 435-671-8263.
Scholarships Available for Women's Institute
If you are considering a run for office, the Women's Democratic Club is offering 22 scholarships to the Women's Leadership Institute. This is a political candidate training program for women in Utah. Participants will learn the "how" and "why" of running for public office or applying for a local or state board. The application process will run through the end of July 2021. On August 23rd, the scholarship recipients will be announced. On approximately September 22nd, the Women's Leadership Institute workshops begin and will continue once a month for six months. Visit wdcutah.org for more information about this program and a link to the scholarship application.
Our Values: We are the Democrats. We cherish the American heritage of opportunity and inclusion. We pledge ourselves to uphold liberty and justice for all. We believe good government serves and protects by cooperative efforts both at home and abroad. We believe it is our duty to pass a better world to future generations.
Contact us with any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear from you! wasatchdems@gmail.com
Help us elect more Democrats -DONATE HERE!